Tuesday, April 17, 2012

O is for the Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

Posted by Dawn Dalton on 3:00 AM

I'm one of more than a thousand bloggers taking part in the A-Z Blogging challenge this year. The goal is to blog everyday in April - except Sundays. You don't need a theme...but I've got one.

It's called watchYAreading. Each day, I'll blog about a  young adult book I have read - and loved (or at least really liked). 

I feel as though I've been waiting the whole blog challenge to talk about The Outsiders. Perhaps no other YA novel has had such a tremendous impact on me - personally and professionally. 

S.E. Hinton wrote this classic when she was 16. Sixteen! I know there are many talented young writers out there, but I can't even fathom the brilliance that went into this first novel. While there have been many influences throughout my writing career, including a stellar Grade 5 teacher and a star studded list of mentors, Hinton can be credited for catapulting me into action. I read this when I was 12, and thought, "I want to do that!"

I didn't, of course, not at 16...but the book haunts me. In a good way, of course.

As does the movie. I mean, just take a look at this cast.

This "little book that could" launched a crap load of careers - can you name all of the actors above? (And ladies, be honest, which ones did you crush on? Perhaps the easier question might be, which ones DIDN'T you love?)

I loved them all. I still read the book AND watch the movie at least once a year. Sure, there's some cliches - but Hinton wrote with such simple brilliance, it's almost as though she was the original author of them all. 

Without question, The Outsiders is my favorite "O" book of all time.

Are ya with me? Tell me about your love affair with the Outsiders and at the end of the month I'll choose three readers to win a copy of SPIRITED, an anthology of haunting YA fiction.

Now, go check out the rest of the blogs in the A-Z Challenge, including my Dawn Ius site where I blog about songs and artists who have inspired me, and at the Most-Wanted Monsters blog where the awesome Judith Graves and I are waxing poetic about 26 creeptastic beasties.

- Dawn


wow, 16.
i used these guys for my post in the 80s crush blogfest =)
i was different. i liked c thomas howell.

first book I ever read as a teen....loved!

What a collection of talent in the poster! :)

This book, which was written in the 1960's, may have well been written today. It describes the many conflicts between gangs, social groups, family violence, and friends. I was made to read this book twice when I was in middle-school, but even so I enjoyed it. Many emotions and thoughts surround the patrogonist, Ponyboy, who describes ganglife in the city. The book goes into many depths to develop the personality and emotions of every single character, and even from the view of the main character, you know the intellects of every little character. Every emotion is very sicere and well portrayed and not a detail is left out. You get a good view of human nature, feelings, and life. The story has a very moving plot that deals with family conflicts, murder, robbery, gang fights, friendship, social status, and loss. It does well at alerting the reader of the seriousness of gang warfare. Even though it expresses the many sad parts of life in the city, it gives a message that there can be hope and there is hope for those who have not lost the fight yet. This is an incredible book and definately worth getting.


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